Sunday, March 4, 2012

Pinterest Weekend!

I am addicted to Pinterest!  However, I decided there would be no more "pinning" for me until I actually used some of the tips, ideas or recipes I've pinned.  So, I declared this weekend "Pinterest Weekend" to accomplish just that.  Thanks to Pinterest and Emmalyn's 3 hour naps, I have 8 meals in the freezer, a batch of soft and chewy chocolate chip cookies, handmade wall art, felt flowers to make headbands for Emmalyn, an amazing chocolate peanut butter dessert, and a sparkly clean shower!  Here are my projects for the weekend:

Peanut Butter Fudge Brownie Trifle
This is an amazing dessert! I do not have a trifle bowl so it doesn't look as pretty as it should, but it's delicious anyway.  It's a little time intensive, but completely worth the time (and the calories).

Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

I've never been able to make soft chocolate chip cookies, until now!!  My search for the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe is over. 

Felt Flowers

I plan on gluing these super cute felt flowers to headbands for Emmalyn.  It took me about 15 minutes to makes these 5 flowers, and it only cost about $1.

Wall Art

It took some time to cut the leaves for this project, but I love how it turned out! I also love how cheap it was to make!  This whole project cost about $10. I already have lots of scrap booking paper, I had a 40% off coupon for the 16x20 canvas at Michael's, and a small tube of paint to add color to the canvas was less than $2.00.  P.S.  I have lots of leftover leaves already cut, if anyone would like to use them...

Crockpot Freezer Meals

I'm very excited about this one! I have 8 meals in my freezer, ready to be thrown in the crockpot.  There are 2 of each of the following: Teriyaki chicken, Savory Vegetable Beef Soup, Healthy BBQ Chicken, and Beef Stew. Yummy!

Tub Cleaner

for soap scum: equal parts hot vinegar and blue Dawn dish soap.  I used 1/3 of a cup of each and coated the shower, and because my shower was pretty soap scummy, I sprayed another round of 1/3 of a cup of each about an hour later.  After a good 2 hours, I scrubbed.  This was not magic by any means, it took some elbow grease and a bristle brush, but the soap scum that I've never been able to get rid of is GONE!

My house is not clean (with the exception of the shower) and the laundry is not done, but I sure had a fun weekend with these projects! Oh, and I started a blog :)


  1. Erin! I love your blog and that you actually did some of the things you saw on Pinterest! Now I am inspired! First on my list is to make some of those freezer crockpot meals!! I hope you keep blogging!!!

  2. awesome! good job on all the pinterest makings this weekend!

  3. You are my inspiration. I'm going to give some of these a try. Starting with the bathroom!

  4. I never really new what pinterest was when people talked about it. So I guess it is when you put something aside the you are interested in doing one day. Anyway I love you blog and I can't believe how much you go accomplished on that weekend.
